Little Pinguins
Mon - Fri : 07:30 - 18:00
Our nursery works on the basis of the British Early Year Founation Stage system. Educational programs for very young children under 3 years of age cover all basic areas of development.
The landscaped garden and playground allows plenty of movement and space for games (slides, climbing frames, garden houses, sandpit, trampoline, cars and tractors).
Our entire program takes place in a playful way, such as reading from books, describing pictures, listening to music, singing and dancing, painting, etc., so children have no problem learning a foreign language without realizing it.
We provide an anti-allergic environment, suitable for the reception of all children, Fairyland Nursery meets all safety and fire regulations.
Mon - Fri : 07:30 - 18:00
Our nursery works on the basis of the British Early Year Founation Stage system. Educational programs for very young children under 3 years of age cover all basic areas of development.
Nerudova 19, 821 04 Bratislava
Mon - Fri : 07:30 - 18:00
They learn a foreign language in a natural way, also through use in everyday activities. They get used to communication and make first friendships.
Nerudova 19, 821 04 Bratislava
Mon - Fri : 07:30 - 18:00
They are already skilled kindergarteners, ready for books, scissors and kits. They jump to the preschoolers, who in their "nest" work hard to travel to the big school. They know animals and machines, cities and forests, they will not be surprised by the puzzle. In English and Slovak, they know and know what is needed.
Nerudova 19, 821 04 Bratislava
Mon - Fri : 07:30 - 18:00
Naši predškoláci sa vo svojom “hniezde” usilovne pripravujú na cestu do veľkej školy. Poznajú zvieratá aj stroje, mestá aj lesy, neprekvapí ich ani hlavolam. V angličtine aj slovenčine, poznajú a vedia čo je treba.
Nerudova 19, 821 04 Bratislava